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Sonnekuil Area Profile
Sonnekuil Area Profile
Sonnekuil Area Profile
Sonnekuil Area Profile
Sonnekuil Area Profile
Sonnekuil Area Profile

Sonnekuil Area Profile


Sonnekuil suburb in Kuils River is located between Van Riebeeck Road (southern border with Mabille Park suburb), R300 (western border), Ainstey and Bosman Streets (northern border with Soneike suburb) and Sarepta Street (eastern border with Brantwood suburb).

Within Sonnekuil suburb is also the Drosdy Park area / suburb which is located between Van Riebeeck Road, Loerie Street (from the Shell Oostenberg) and Ainstey Street.

Sonnekuil Property Types & Demographics:

There are 374 full title erven in Sonnekuil suburb of which 291 are freehold property (houses) - of which 106 is within Drosdy Park. There are no freehold houses in estates in Sonnekuil.

There are only 3 sectional title schemes (apartment blocks) in Sonnekuil with 55 residential units (apartments).

The average household income in Drosdy Park varies between R30 000 and R40 000 (LSM 9 Low) - whilst in the rest of Sonnekuil it varies between R40 000 to R50 000 (LSM 9High).

There are 801 adults living in the Sonnekuil suburb (of which 244 is living in Drosdy Park).

Sonnekuil Property Sales:

Only 13 freehold / own title (houses) sales has been concluded in Sonnekuil suburb during the last 12 months (Sep 2018 - Aug 2019) - of which only 4 house sales took place in Drosdy Park at an average price of R1,267 million and a top price of R1,999 million. In the rest of Sonnekuil, the top price achieved in 2019 was R2,3 million (219 sq.m house on 840 sq.m erf in Angelier Street). The average price achieved in the rest of Sonnekuil was R1,507 million (down from R1,78 million in 2018) and the average period on the market was 50 days.

3 Sectional title or apartment sales took place in Sonnekuil - with a top sq.m price of R11 667 per sq.m achieved in Soneike Villas.

On average during the last 10 years (2009 to 2018) 12,1 houses and 5,6 apartments (flats) sold per year.

There had been only been 3 sales in execution in Sonnekuil suburb between 2016 and 2019.

Median Prices & Capital Growth:

House median prices has increased in Drosdy Park from R438 000 (2009) to R950 000 (2018) - i.e. by 117% over 9 years @ 13% p.a.

In the rest of the Sonnekuil suburb, house median prices has increased from R980 000 (2009) to R1 780 000 (2018) - i.e. by 81,6% over 9 years @ 9% p.a.


Period of Ownership / Age Profile of Owners, Sellers & Buyers:

The majority (67%) of home owners in Drosdy Park and 68% in the rest of Sonnekuil have owned their property for more than 10 years and 63% are older than 50 (of which 19% are older than 65). Only 9% of owners are younger than 36.

The profile of the recent buyers has however changed dramatically - with 76% being younger than 50 years old (of which 38% are aged between 18 to 35 years. Only 23% of the buyers are older than 50.

Sonnekuil Suburb Amenities:

Schools: (1) De Kuilen Primary School - 1 km (2) Hebron Christian Academy School - 0.42 km (3) Hoerskool De Kuilen High School - 2.3 km (4) Young Eagles Christian Academy 0.54 km

Shopping Centres: (1) Mid Kuilen Convenience Centre - 1.06 km (2) Riverpark Shopping Centre - 0.96 km (3) Access Park Shopping Centre - 0.93 km

Medical:  (1) The Netcare Kuils River Hospital lies within Sonnekuil suburb (along Van Riebeeck Road) (2) CareCross - Bellville Hospital/ Clinic - 4.77 km

Tertiary Education: (1) Cape Peninsula University of Technology - 3.95 km  (2) School of Technology - 4.08 km and distance from De Kuilen suburb to: (3) University of Western Cape - 8km (4) University of Stellenbosch - 22 km (5) University of Cape Town - 30 km

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