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Cape Town Property Rates Increase? You Can Object To New Valuations

Cape Town Property Rates Increase? You Can Object To New Valuations

General Valuation Roll for 2018 (GV2018) 

The current General Valuation Roll, known as GV2018, was certified by the City of Cape Town's Municipal Valuer on 31 January 2019.

It contains the municipal valuations of about 875 000 registered properties in Cape Town, as at the valuation date for the new roll, being 2 July 2018. 

Please click on the link below where you can view the GV 2018 roll;

The new valuations, and related increased municipal rates payable by property owners, will be implemented on 1 July 2019.

If you are of the opinion that the amended market value does not reflect the reasonable market value of your property, it is well advised to raise an objection as the current determination affects the rates you will pay for the next 3 to 4 years. Owners who disagree with the valuation, have until 9 March 2019 to object to a valuation in person, or until 30 April 2019 for online objections.

08 Mar 2019
Author STBB
435 of 1144