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CCH Will Be Fully Operational From Monday, 1 June 2020

CCH Will Be Fully Operational From Monday, 1 June 2020

All CCH's member estate agents are allowed back at work as of the 1st of June 2020 after President Ramaphosa announced our countrywide move into level 3 of lockdown on the 24th of May.

The last 2 months has not been easy for all estate agents who have been restricted during levels 4 and 5 of lockdown and we had to find innovative ways to adjust to the "new normal" in order to meet our client's property-related needs virtually.

Our clients and member agents health and safety is of paramount importance to us. Before all face-to-face meetings, our member agents will provide to our clients the necessary client screening questionnaires, consent and indemnity forms according to an industry proposed workplace protocol. No meetings will be allowed or organized with anyone who has displayed any symptoms or who have been in contact with such a person.

Masks, sanitizing practices and social distancing will be mandatory for all viewings and other client interaction.

CCH has for the last 2 years prior to lockdown already been employing in our marketing virtual technology - especially using fully immersive 3D models of homes to cut down on the need for physical viewings of properties by buyers. This has made our adaption to "the new normal" of social distancing so much more quicker. Our agents can also pre-qualify the buyers with virtual walk-through show houses via video conferencing tools.

If you wish to market your home safely or receive an updated market valuation (both online or physically onsite), please contact one of our local member agents.

Keep safe - we need everyone in #fightingthecoronavirus!

Benhard Wiese

CCH Principal Agent

29 May 2020
Author Benhard Wiese
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