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Changes To Gas Compliance Certificates Needed For Property Sales

Changes To Gas Compliance Certificates Needed For Property Sales

Gas Compliance Certificates has as of 1 May 2023 been changed to a new prescribed five-page document - in order to comply with the law.

The SAQCC Gas NPC has been officially appointed and mandated by the Department of Employment and Labour to register gas practitioners within the various gas industries in South Africa and all gas CoCs must as from 1 May 2023, comply with the prescribed form. Gas compliance companies may not use any other form than the prescribed form. As such, and as from 1 May 2023, any other format of gas COC will not be accepted.

Whenever ownership of a property changes, a new gas certificate is also required.

An inspection comprises of the following aspects:

  1. Cylinder storage to comply with the safety zones.
  2. SABS approved piping used and installed in the correct manner.
  3. The installation of isolation and emergency valves.
  4. Adequate ventilation at cylinder and inside rooms.
  5. If SABS approved appliances are connected to the reticulation system. A pressure leak test to establish the system continuity.
18 May 2023
Author Elize Gabriel - Technogroup
115 of 1145