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Corona Pandemic - Property Clauses - How To Protect Yourself When Making An Offer

Corona Pandemic - Property Clauses - How To Protect Yourself When Making An Offer

Estate agents and attorneys have received numerous enquiries about how to conclude a sale agreement without the purchaser viewing the property or them only viewing it at a later stage.

The good news is that you can conclude a sale agreement without physically viewing the property. The conveyancers have been drafting a variety of clauses which can be inserted into your sale agreement, covering the following scenarios:

  • Purchaser purchasing an unseen property

The Purchaser places on record that he is purchasing the property without having viewed same before signing the deed of sale. The purchaser further places on record that he has been advised of the risks involved in purchasing a property viewing same, especially regarding any patent defects that he did not have reasonable opportunity to inspect. The Purchaser furthermore agrees to indemnify and hold both the Estate Agent and the Seller harmless against any claims as a result of the fact that he purchased the property without first viewing same.

  • Resolutive condition for viewing the property at a later date

The Purchaser shall have ____ days from date of signature hereof to view the property. Should the Purchaser not be satisfied with his/her purchase after such viewing for any reason whatsoever, he/she shall have the right to resile from the agreement by giving written notice to the Seller within aforementioned period.

This agreement is subject to the Purchaser viewing the property within ____ days from date of signature of the agreement. Should the Purchaser not be satisfied with his/her purchase after such viewing for any reason whatsoever or not be able to conduct such viewing due to COVID-19 restrictions, the agreement shall expire and become null and void.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about concluding a sale agreement without viewing the property.

24 Apr 2020
Author DVH Attorneys
296 of 1144