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Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming Pool Safety

In terms of SANS 10400-D the following requirements must be met for swimming pools and swimming baths: 
- A wall or fence must be provided by the owner of a site which contains a swimming pool or a swimming bath to ensure that no person can have access to such pool or bath from any street or public place or any adjoining site other than through: o self-closing and self-latching gate with provision for locking in such wall or fence, or a building where such building forms part of such wall or fence.
- A wall or fence shall be provided in any interconnected complex which contains a swimming pool or swimming bath to ensure that no person can have access to such pool or bath from any street or public place or anywhere within the complex other than through a self-closing and self-latching gate with provision for locking in such wall or fence. 
- Such wall or fence and any such gate therein shall be not less than 1.2 metres high, measured from the ground level, and shall not contain any opening that will permit the passage of a 100mm diameter ball. 
- The constructional requirements of any steel fence or gate must comply with the requirements in SANS 1390. 

31 Jul 2019
Author Glyn Marais Inc - Stefan Le Roux
374 of 1144