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Travelling of minor children

Travelling of minor children

New Immigration Regulations, 2014.   Some insight:

Minor children

The provisions dealing with the travelling of minor children, has placed an extra burden on parents. However, it should be noted that the Department of Home Affairs has postponed the implementation of this provision until 1 October 2014.

Key factors pertaining to the travelling of minor children (with their parents) in and out of South Africa:

Parents have to not only produce a valid passport in respect of their child but an unabridged birth                 certificate, reflecting the particulars of the parents;

-     In instances where a parent is travelling alone with the said child, consent in the form of an Affidavit has to be obtained from the other parent. A court order declaring a parent with full parental responsibilities and rights or a death certificate of the other parent may also be produced;  

-    If a person is travelling with a child who is not their biological child, they must produce the following: a copy of the child’s unabridged birth certificate, an affidavit from the parents confirming permission to travel, copies of passports of the parents or the legal guardians as well as their contact details; and

-     Any child who is in alternative care as defined in terms of the Children’s Act, 2005 and who wants to leave the Republic, has to produce a certified copy of an authorisation letter from the Provincial Head of the Department of Social Development”.

It is advisable that all parents familiarise themselves and comply with the above Regulations as soon as possible.

They are also urged to apply for an unabridged birth certificates now in order to avoid delays when travelling in future (cost R75.00 and the issuing of an unabridged birth certificate can take up to 6 weeks).

Source  -  Alicia Steyn  -


18 Jul 2014
Author Alicia Steyn
1125 of 1144